Tuesday 1 November 2016

Study Plan Guide

Notes from workshop:

Unit 1 study plan submission - 11th Jan
The research study plan is a model/plan to identify what your project is about.

[Arts & Humanities research council] Largest funding organization for arts based commissions [section in documents outlines what a research plan/proposal is: The concern is about process not output

Research question/issue/problem - The objective is to enhance knowledge

Outline the contexts - research folders outline where the research exists in the real world. Why is context important? because context give your work/project a basis for discussion/comparison and argument

Research methods - The things/activities you are going to do to address your issue/question/concern [Are these appropriate?]

The documents consists of 8 sections:
1. Project Question/proposition [The idea of an idea]
2. Research context [Field of study "with examples"]
3. Method [Processes/Media/Activities]
4. Anticipated outcomes
5. Resources
6. Timetable [Use handbook template/copy]
7. Risk Assessment [In-line with university H&S guidance]
8. Ethical issues [In-Line with university research guidelines]

Examples of: The aim of this project is . . . . what will this achieve?

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