Thursday, 17 November 2016

Seminar 01: Groups A&B mixed

The seminar seemed very close after the tutorial last week and although I understand a week is a good amount of time, showing a constant increase in body/volume of work is difficult, especially as I have been spending a lot of my time either reading theory or in the workshop working towards completing my Gargosian Gallery models [ahead of the first formal critique next week]. 

That said I was placed into a group with Robin [who isn't my personal tutor] so this was just another good opportunity to re-explain my project, show everything and where I was with it all and to get another set of feedback. I think spending a lot of time in the studio has really paid off as I seem to capture these extra 5-10 minute sessions with Pete where I can ask further questions or we can strike up a conversation that then gets Pete talking about my direction and working progress.  

The seminar I feel went really well, with Robin flagging up some additional references and points to develop. Both tutors seems to really embrace the typology studies and Robin referred to these as "the space having a dialogue with the space" which I though was a real interesting point [leading back to my initial question of a an exhibition in a space about the space]. My peers flagged that the movements felt controlled and not completely natural which is correct, I discussed that having this methodology of documenting the space through my step count and turns does require some form of conscious decisions to be undertaken as it is a method of recording data and has to be as accurate as possible. Overall I feel I am in the place of pondering reflective thoughts where maybe on a daily or weekly basis I wont produce masses but will start to become more directive with my theory and practice meeting, which should really support the completion of my study plan.

Feedback points:

- The curational role/rules: set of rules that outline how spaces are composed ahead of exhibitions
- The derive [drifting in space] Consider notions of the unintentional journey
- Revisit galleries and become more natural in movement [and the documentation of this] we discussed the idea of using cameras at particular height to record my sequential movements within the space
- Think about the dialogue between Artist & Space, Curator & space, Space & Space
- look at the Situationists
- Think about other ambiguity rules that can be applied when visiting these space.

I am starting to question if the inclusion of the White Cube Gallery's will be too much [a total of 5 sites]. The Gargosian collection seems to work well with its three sites, same architect, and can provide me with a basis to propose multiple outcomes within and across all of the sites. I now need to focus on collecting and bringing everything together ahead of Thursday Critique.

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