1. A technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single
surface various materials not normally associated with one another, as
newspaper clippings, parts of photographs, theater tickets, and
fragments of an envelope.
2. A work of art produced by this technique.
[Compare Assemblage]
3. An assemblage or occurrence of diverse elements or fragments in unlikely or unexpected juxtaposition:
1. A group of persons or things gathered or collected; an assembly; collection; aggregate.
2. The act of assembling; state of being assembled.
Fine Arts: - A sculptural technique of organizing or composing into a unified whole a group of unrelated and often fragmentary or discarded objects.
- A work of art produced by this technique.
[Compare Collage]
After discussing in my tutorial ideas surrounding language, fragmentation and these trajectory lines, I took the opportunity to reflect on the idea of producing a body of collage based work that was potentially the first piece of work in the collection. These individual pieces would structure both text [taken form de Certeau's 'walking in cities' ] and various papers and cards, [using both materiel from the galleries visited and a reduced colour palette of that used within the gallery]. There is something extremely therapeutic yet requires a high level of concentration when constructing this images. I wanted to juxtapose both the text with fragmented forms that would on one level start to visualize what the text said and on another level have a visual link to the forms that have arrived form my trajectory work.
I have started with ten although depending on how these start to shift my view and the impact they create it would be interesting to move into a larger amount. If I am to consider these as pieces of work that would introduce the project and be placed in one of the galleries [hypothetically] then i need to consider how many I would require to fill that space.
Text taken from 'Cut & Paste: 21st Century Collage'
Collage is a medium that connects the past with the present, sometimes offering a glimpse of what may be the future. Contemporary collage has become a significant part of our visual landscape. the fusion between disparate and juxtaposed assemblage images provokes questions, ambiguous questions that we may not be able to answer.
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