Unit 02 has been a unit of ups and downs, success and failures. I have had some tough tutorials at time and with the critique identifying a lot of issues in my project direction I have had to take some steps back. I do feel though on reflection very happy about where the project will end up. I think the tutors could see that project and myself had a lot more to give and that it could be a very successful project. Despite my unit 02 portfolio not being as advanced as I would have perhaps wanted, I have produced a lot of work this term and this has really helped me break down each element.
For unit 01 I was praised by my peers and tutors for the presentation of my work and this is something that I again wanted to ensure was high end. Learning from the previous unit feedback, I have made sure that their is more context within my books that supports the visual imagery. My QR scan actually works this time, so my reflective blog will be seen and assessed. The portfolio very much reflects the term with me having to discuss why particular parts of the project will not be taken forwards. I have spent a lot of time laying out my work and building my visual communication skills. I have used a similar format in the idea of an archive box that will hold all my components.
Although this units marks will not impact on my final grade it would be great that despite how the term has gone that I can match or build upon my B+. This portfolio also includes an updated study plan and a printed copy of my critical research paper.